Sunday, 14 October 2007

Writing Short Course and Machinima 07

The Open University
Evening! It seems likely that my posting on this blog will change over the next twelve weeks; I am about to enrol on an Open University short course in Creative Writing. Since I shall be writing pieces for assessment during this time I hope to be able to publish them online instead of the usual chapters of Elision (obviously I will be back doing new chapters after the course finishes.)

This weekend I spent some time at the European Machinima Festival in Leicester. Whilst much of what I saw and heard was completely mystifying, mindblowing and impressive, some aspects were very interesting to me personally, especially the idea of making short computer animated movies using some very clever technology called Moviestorm.

I am hoping to try and use this ('user friendly' I have been assured!) program to dramatize some projects in the near future. We shall see what happens!

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